March Newsletter 2022
Hola todos( Hello everyone), I’m happy to say that for the last 6 months that I’ve been working in nursing home it’s been very fun and challenging. I got to celebrate my first Christmas here and for the first time I wore a Santa costume and it’s just fun and joy for me especially for the residents. And for those months that I’m here little by little I got to know our residents better and I’ve learned lots of things as a Healthcare assistant that it’s not just fun and joy or just providing care but you have to deeply understand the residents so that you can give the proper care for them, and for that I would like to thank my colleagues for teaching and showing me the skills and knowledge of becoming a good Healthcare assistant. I am looking forward for more learning in these lines of work and for that I’m happy to say that I’ve become a healthcare assistant. Gracias.
King Quitlong- Healthcare Assistant
I would like to thank you very much through the newsletter magazine of Powdermill Nursing Home, which is published every month. Thank you for the financial contribution to support the people of Ukraine. A sum of 170euros from the employees and some residents of Nursing home and the management of nursing home contributed 100 euro.
A total of 270euros was sent through the Irish Red Cross as a donor to the crisis in Ukraine. Ukraine people now mainly need financial support as well as the support of all the people who are against the war and want to survive. As an eight year old girl, I still remember the Russian occupation, Russian tanks and soldiers terrifying me.
We are all looking at the development of the situation between Ukraine and Russia. The brave Ukrainian people are trying to defend the invasion, where soldiers and civilians will die. Among them are children and also old defenceless people.
As employees of the Nursing home, we can imagine that old people can suffer, regardless of their age, illnesses, but especially the lives of their loved ones… children, grandchildren. Russian bombs have no mercy.
Thank you very much everyone
Sarka Benova Health Care Assistant
Greetings, my name is Kryzia Pablo, I’m 20 years old , from the Philippines, Ireland has been my home for the last 16 years, I’ve worked various jobs and have experienced managerial experience in the hospitality field however Health care has always trickled in the back of my mind, so I decided to bite the bullet May 2021. Almost a year later I am currently on my last semester of college, excited to be a Health Service Skills graduate. Last year for my work placement, (from the end of October to December) I was fortunate enough that Powder Mills accepted me to do my practice in their facility, I was welcomed with open arms which made me a lot more eager to work harder and get concrete experience during the period of my stay.
However, 2 months later I found myself fully imbursed into their daily routines, the thought of leaving was difficult, I approached management about a job vacancy and luckily there was a spot available, I was able to start my official employment here at JCP Powdermills Nursing Home January 2022. I am immensely grateful for the continuous experience and lessons here.
As mentioned earlier, Ireland has been my primary home for the last 16 years, this is where I grew up, went to school, made friends and essentially now starting my career. Visiting home wasn’t necessarily “cheap” so going home was irregular, however when we did go home, we would usually stay for a month which was always exciting because it meant I would get to spend time with my grandparents. Although I have been fortunate enough to have had a healthy life provided by my parents, growing up without immediate family and being without my grandparents somewhat felt isolating. My grandparents passed away 4 years ago, however starting this new venture in healthcare makes me feel like they’re beside me all the time, cheering me on. I feel their presence strongly when I spend time with the residents. Working at the centre at times can feel draining but I take great pride in the care we provide and how it is a duty of care to now take care of those who provided service and took care of our community once before. This is the true fulfilment of the job.
Kryzia Pablo- Healthcare Assistant